Getting started


Shape-Out can be installed via multiple channels.

  1. Windows installer: Download the latest version for your architecture (e.g. ShapeOut_X.Y.Z_win_64bit_setup.exe for 64bit Windows) from the official release page.

  2. Python 2.7 with pip: Shape-Out can easily be installed with pip:

    pip install shapeout[GUI]

    Note that ShapeOut requires wxPython 3 and chaco. You might have to manually install these for your system if they cannot be installed automatically via pip. To start Shape-Out, simply run or python -m shapeout in a command shell.


Shape-Out automatically searches for updates (you may opt-out via the preferences menu) and notifies the user when a new version is available.

  1. Windows installer: The older version of Shape-Out will be automatically uninstalled when installing a new version.

  2. Python 2.7 and pip:

    pip uninstall shapeout
    pip install shapeout[GUI]

Basic usage

Will be updated when new GUI is ready.